Financial Planning Division
(706) 225-4087

City Hall
1111 1st Avenue
1st Floor
Columbus, GA 31901
FAX:(706) 225-3033

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Our Mission

To facilitate the implementation, development and execution of the budget process; prepare special financial analysis, forecast revenues and expenditures, assist our external and internal customers and protect the financial stability of the government.

Division Profile

The Financial Planning Division is responsible for the overall development and monitoring of the annual operating and capital improvement budgets. Additionally, the division provides policy support to departments with guidance and direction from the City Manager while providing technical, analytical, and research support during the budget season and on budget policy and financial operations.

CCG Fiscal Year

The fiscal year for the Columbus Consolidated Government begins on July 1 and ends on the following June 30th. Budget is responsible for making sure the new budget is posted in the accounting software and ready to go for the new fiscal year.

CCG Budget Season

The Budget Process begins in October in preparation and planning for the next fiscal year. Department Budget Kickoff normally occurs in early January where we instruct departments on fiscal condition and what is expected for budget submission. Budgets are due in mid-February. The two weeks prior to budget review, budget analyst review budget submissions, verify data, and prepare the information for the City Manager's review. March's City Manager's review includes determining a viable budget based on priority needs, available revenues to come out with a balanced budget - it is also reviewed and approved by the Mayor. In April, we prepare a budget document to present the Recommended Document to Council and the public.

The Mayor must submit the Recommended Budget to Council no less than 60 days prior to each fiscal year. The budget must include operating and capital expenditures accompanied by revenues. Once Council reviews and adjusts the budget. There are a series of hearings that are advertised for public comment. The budget and millage rate ordinances are approved upon the Second Reading. They must be approved by July 1. In June, we load the new budget into the accounting software, and after the new Fiscal Year begins, we must prepare the Final budget document for Submission to GFOA to be submitted within 90 days of approval of the budget (late September). In October, the process begins again.

Budget Books

Our Budget Book has received the GFOA's (Government Finance Officers Association's) Distinguished Budget Presentation Award annually since 1992. Below are the Operating and Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Budget Books from the current year to 2009.