Resource Guide

Iglesia de Dios Nuevo Pacto


Provides assistance to those in need.

Aspire Behovioral Health

Behavior Health and Substance Abuse

Offering services to children, adolescents and adults struggling with behavioral health and substance abuse disorders.

KidsStreet Urgent Care

Childrens Medical Services

KidsStreet is dedicated to KIDS! We’re open late, 7 days a week with a pediatrician or pediatric-supervised nurse practitioner available to care for all the sniffles, bumps and bruises.

Access 2 Independence

Disability Service and Support

Access 2 Independence aims to provide members of the disabled community with service, support, and advocacy to empower them to participate in their community and live independently.

Stewart Community Home

Disabled/Mental Health Service

Group home for mentally ill & disabled individuals

American Red Cross

Disaster Services

Food, Shelter, Clothing, Medical, and Emergency assistance to victims of fire and other disasters (Muscogee, Marion, Harris, Chattahoochee, Randolph, Talbot, Quitman and Meriwether counties).

YMCA of Metropolitan Columbus

Educaltional Development

Educational and recreational programs for children and adults.

Boys & Girls Club of the Chattahoochee Valley

Education and Youth Development

After-school programs and activities for youth.

Mildred L. Terry Library

Educational Services

CVL consists of seven physical branches, two bookmobiles and two automated 24-hour library kiosks.

Muscogee County School District

Educational and Youth Development

A cornerstone of education, serving a thriving community of over 30,000 students.

RiverCenter for the Performing Arts

Educational and Youth Development

Provides educational programs in the performing arts.

Tri-City Latino Association

Family Service

Community and cultural organization, that celebrates the Hispanic culture and supports Hispanic/Latino initiatives.

United Way of the Chattahoochee Valley

Family Service

United Way of the Chattahoochee Valley leads efforts to address our community’s toughest challenge: Poverty.

Chattahoochee Valley Episcopal Ministry

Finacial and Educational Services

Offers direct assistance ministry to people in poverty or crisis. Holds youth leadership programs, education classes, and workshops

Mt. Pilgrim Baptist Church

Financial aid

Offers financial aid to families in desperation.

Bread of Life Christian Church

Food Assistance

Provides food assistance to the community.

Feeding the Valley Food Bank

Food Assistance

Feeding the Valley offers a wide variety of food assistance programs such as a mobile pantry, senior meals, mobile market produce truck, and food as medicine. They also offer children's food distribution. Look at website for mobile pantry calendar and local food pantries in your area. 

St Anne's Catholic Church Outreach

Food Assistance

Provides a grocery distribution Tuesday and Thursdays 9:00am-11:00am and the 2nd Wednesday of every month 5:30pm-7:00pm. Call for a food appointment a few days before pick-up.

Greater Shady Gover Missionary Baptist Church

Food Assistance

Provides food assistance.

St. Luke United Methodist Church

Food Assistance

Offers a food pantry Monday and Friday at 1:00pm and Wednesday at 9:30am, they also provide a meals on wheels that delivers on a weekly basis to those in need (must call for an appointment). 

The Life Center

Food Pantry

A food pantry for low income, single parents, senior citizens, unemployed individuals, disabled veterans, and anyone else in need of assistance.

Wednesdays 11:00 AM - 1:30 PM

M.L Harris United Methodist Church

Food Pantry

Food pantry for individuals and families who need support meeting basic nutritional needs

Distributes every second Friday 9am-11am (must call the church before noon on Mon, Tue, or Wed to be placed on distribution list)

Antioch Baptist Church

Food Pantry

Offers a food pantry to those in need.

First Baptist Church of Columbus

Food Pantry

Provides a food closet for individuals and families in need of assistance and meals on wheels for homebound individuals

Closet: 9:30-11:30am
Wheels: Mon - Fri delivery (call for information)

Greater Beallwood Baptist Church

Food Pantry

Provides food pantry services to those in need.

St. Benedict the Moor Catholic Church

Food Pantry

On Thursday's they offer hot lunches in to go plates from 12:00pm-12:30pm. 

New Testament Christian Center

Food Pantry

Offers a food pantry to those in need

Solid Rock Church

Food Pantry

Food pantry services for the local community.

Wynnton Neighborhood Network

Food Pantry

Food Pantry and utility assistance for adults or senior citizens with limited or no income, or recently unemployed

Monday - Friday 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Calvary Baptist Church

Food Service

Provides food services to the community

Valley Rescue Mission - Loaves and Fishes

Food Service

Men, women, and children, who are homeless or hungry are welcome to join us Monday-Friday at 3:00pm for the Loaves and Fishes meal bags.

St. John AME Church

Food Services

Provides food assistance to the community.

Safehouse Ministries

Food and Housing Services

Emergency resources, meals, clothing and transitional housing. In addition to substance abuse services.

Columbus Dream Center

Homeless Services

Provides assistance to homeless individuals such as meals, showers, clothes, and other resources

Salvation Army

Housing and Shelter

Provides emergency shelter and transitional housing.

Home for Good

Housing and Shelter Programs

United Way’s Home for Good strategy helps move individuals and families from homelessness to permanent, stable housing.

MercyMed of Columbus

Medical and Mental Health

Provides affordable, quality healthcare for the physical, spiritual, and emotional needs of the underserved.

Piedmont Columbus Regional Midtown

Medical and Mental Health

Full-service hospital with emergency and specialty care.

St. Francis Hospital

Medical and Mental Services

General medical and surgical hospital.

Valley Healthcare Systems

Medical, dental, and mental health services

Offers comprehensive healthcare services including primary care, dental, and behavioral health.

Cedar Tree Family & Children Services

Mental Health

Family and children's mental health services.

West Central GA Regional Hospital

Mental Health Services

Provides psychiatric inpatient care services.

The Bradley Center

Mental and Behavioral Health

Behavioral health crisis stabilization unit with short-term residential services.

Junior League Columbus

Mother Services

The Junior League collects and distributes diapers to local agencies that support women with infants, toddlers, and small children.


Non-Emergency Medical Transportation

Offers non-emergency medical transport to wheelchair, stretcher, and ambulatory Medicare and Medicaid users (call your insurance plan to check). Please call the number or go to the website to reserve transportation. 

Glory Brothers Transportation

Non-Emergency Medical Transportation

Offers non-emergency transportation to handicap, stretcher bound, and elderly with through the door service. Hours of operation are Monday-Saturday 6:00am-6:00pm and Sunday 12:00pm-6:00pm (after hours available upon request). Please call or visit the website for a transportation reservation. 

Stat Transportation

Non-Emergency Medical Transportation

Offers non-emergency medical transportation for wheelchair, stretcher, or ambulatory people. Accept Aetna, Sonders, and United Healthcare Insurance. Please call or email for transportation. 


Johnsons Express Non-Emergency Transportation

Non-Emergency Medical Transportation

Provides non-emergency medical transportation 24 hours a day Monday through Saturday and most holidays. Please visit the website or call for a transportation reservation. 

Hughston Clinic

Orthopedic Services

Orthopedic and sports medicine services.

Oak St. Health

Overall Health Support

We can help you get the most out of your Medicare coverage, set up mail-order prescriptions, and coordinate healthcare services such as specialist appointments and social services.

Sound Choices Pregnancy Clinic

Pregancy Services for Women

Offers no cost and confidential servies to womens who need pegancy tests, ultra sounds, post abortion support, and education about pregancy and their options

Piedmont Physicians at Brookstone

Primary Care

Provides primary and specialty care services.

Muscogee County Sheriff


It is the mission of the Muscogee County Sheriff's Office to provide quality law enforcement, jail, court security, civil services and community outreach to the citizens and visitors of Muscogee County, Georgia.

Teen Challenge Southeast

Rehab and Addiction Services

Teen Challenge Southeast offers twenty-two locations in six states for adults and teenagers, offering outpatient addiction and life recovery counseling.

Brown Bag of Columbus

Senior Food Service

The Brown Bag is a nonprofit agency which provides groceries to low-income elderly individuals in Columbus, Georgia and Phenix City, Alabama. Meal calendar is available on their website. Must be 60 years old or older. 

The Green House at Calvary

Senior Services

Personal Memory Care home specifically for Elders with Dementia or Alzheimer's .

Alzheimer's Association

Senior Services

The Alzheimer's Association leads the way to end Alzheimer's and all other dementia — by accelerating global research, driving risk reduction and early detection, and maximizing quality care and support.

Direct Services

Senior Services

Provides support to senior citizens: Meals on Wheels, enrichment programs, congregate meals, community care, and homemaker aid. Must be 60 years old or older 

Laurelwood Nursing Home

Senior Services

Provides long-term care and rehabilitation services.

River Valley Area Agency of Aging

Senior and Disbaled Services

The River Valley Area Agency on Aging is dedicated to improving the quality of life for seniors and people with disabilities.

Sexual Assault Support Center dba The Center at 909

Sexual Violence Protection

The Center provides free and confidential services to anyone impacted by sexual violence, dating violence, stalking, and human trafficking.

House of Mercy


Homeless shelter for men, women and families

Valley Resue Mission - Damascus Way

Shelter for women and children

Women and children's shelter program

Tree of Life Healthcare

Uninsured Medical Services

Provide compassionate medical care, to the uninsured and underserved in West Georgia and East Alabama

House of Heroes Chattahoochee Valley Chapter

Veterans Assistance

With volunteers, recognize and honor military and public safety veterans, by improving living conditions those needing it, encouraging leadership and service, team building and volunteerism.

Open Door Community House

Women Housing

To empower impoverished people in our community to realize their full potential as children of God. Open Door is committed to creating long-term solutions to poverty. Offer transitional housing for women.

House of T.I.M.E. (This I Must Earn)

Women Rehab Housing

Transitional housing for women recovering from addiction.

Boyz 2 Men Development, Inc.

Young Male Development

Boyz 2 Men Development provides comprehensive community programs and services to guard the safety and well-being of foster children, youth, and families.