Venue Rental

Promoter Application

After inquiring on availability, a tentative hold may be added to our Booking Calendar. We will need the following:

  1. Completed Promoter Application Form Download here »
  2. Dates and time of event
  3. Equipment and Service Requirements

Date Holds, Hold Ranking and Challenges

After consideration by Columbus Civic Center management, a date will be placed on a "hold status". This does not guarantee an event date; it is simply a "temporary hold" for the given date. There may be multiple holds for a date. If this is the case, your event will be assigned the next available hold status (#1, #2, #3…etc.) and a scheduling priority policy will apply. "Temporary Holds" will only be available for 30 days and will require a signed contract and deposit for the date to be held for a longer length of time.

If a Second Hold is ready to go to contract, the first hold will be contacted and be given 48 hours to take that event day to contract. If the First Hold has not chosen to sign a contract and place a deposit (within 48 hours after notification of the challenge) it's primary hold will be released.

Scheduling Priority Policy for Arena

Questions regarding booking an event at the Columbus Civic Center should be directed to:

Kanise Wiggins, Interim Director 
Tel: 706-225-4848
Fax: 706-653-4692

Taking into consideration a diverse schedule of events, the following order of priority is established:

First Priority

First priority for the scheduling of facilities in the Columbus Civic Center is to accommodate regular season dates for the Columbus River Dragons & the Columbus Lions. Facility and space commitments for first priority events and activities may be made as far in advance as is necessary or appropriate and may supersede requests by second or third priority events and activities scheduled more than nine months from the event date. Civic Center Management reserves the right to block dates to allow enough time to schedule first priority events. Management also reserves the right to request dates for second or third priority events which are returning on an annual or bi-annual basis with a one-year advance notice.

Second Priority

Second priority is to make dates available to promoters, tour directors and amateur or professional sports officials to promote revenue – producing Arena events. Facility and date scheduling commitments for second priority events and activities made in advance of receiving Columbus River Dragons & Columbus Lions schedule may be subject to change to accommodate first priority events. For activities that are competing for the same audience and/or ticket buyers (concerts, ice shows, circuses, etc.) The Civic Center Management may maintain a 30-day waiting period before and after an existing event competing for essentially the same patrons. Management may, at its own discretions, limit the number of competing activities presented during any given period.

Third Priority

Third priority is to make dates available to consumer or public exhibitions, tradeshows, special events and interscholastic athletic competitions and tournaments. Contracts for third priority events will not be issued more than eighteen (18) months in advance of the date(s) of the event – except for annually reoccurring events. For activities which are competing for the same audience and/or ticket buyers (auto shows, antique shows, home shows, business expositions, etc.) the Civic Center Management may maintain a 30-day waiting period before and after an existing event competing for essentially the same patrons. Furthermore, the Management may, at its own discretion, limit the number of competing activities presented during any given period.

Fourth Priority

Fourth priority is to make dates available for non-ticketed events such as conferences, meetings, and commencements. Facility and date scheduling commitments for fourth priority events may be subject to change to accommodate first, second and third priority events scheduled six (6) months from the date. Contracts for fourth priority events will not be issued more than eighteen (18) months in advance of the date(s) of the event, except for annually recurring events.

Fifth Priority

Fifth Priority is to permit use for community events and city organizations. Fifth priority activities have access to all open times not occupied by first, second, third, fourth, and fifth priority events (including necessary facility conversion times) and be bumped at any time in favor of a first, second, third, or fourth priority event.

Confirmation of Date

The next step in the booking process is completion of the Leasing Contract. This is the rental agreement between your event and the Columbus Civic Center. Along with a fully executed Leasing Contract, you will need to provide a copy of your contract with the Artist (if applicable) and a deposit payment. If you have already provided a deposit, that deposit will be applied towards the deposit payment.

Leasing Contract

All prospective tenants will need to sign a Leasing Contract. This agreement will outline the financial terms and all other details concerning the rental of the building. Along with this, you will also receive a booking acknowledgement that will outline the specific dates and times of your event. This will also need to be signed and returned to our office:

Columbus Civic Center
Attn: Lisa Goodwin
400 Fourth Street
Columbus, GA 31901

Fax: 706-653-4692

We will sign and return a fully executed original copy to you. No event is confirmed until a fully executed Leasing Contact is completed. A signed contract and deposit must be received at least 30 days prior to the event.

Post-event Settlement

At the conclusion of the event the Tenant will be responsible for all outstanding facility expenses per the License Agreement. Settlement will typically take place at the conclusion or near the end of the event. At settlement, the Tenant will be presented with all available documented facility expenses, including but not limited to: applicable taxes, rent balance, facility fees, marketing, staffing, production charges, conversion labor, box office labor, medical personnel, security etc. Charges for all event expenses incurred will be deducted from the ticket proceeds, if applicable, and the balance will be available to Tenant.


If prior arrangements are made, a check can be produced the night of the event for the balance of ticket revenue. Otherwise, proceeds from the events will be available to the Tenant the next business day. Payments can be made by check or wire transfer to the Tenant's account. If an amount is due to Columbus Civic Center at the conclusions of the event, Tenant may take a cash payment or certified check made payable to: Columbus Civic Center.

Venue Spaces

Parking Lot

Parking Lot

Host your next festival, outdoor concert, car show or drive in movie on our Columbus Civic Center grounds. Columbus Civic Center has four lots to choose from.



The open-air amphitheater is perfect for any outdoor event. The terraced grass lawn is adjacent to the Columbus River Walk and located behind the Columbus Civic Center.

Hospitality Suites

Hospitality Suites

Treat yourself and your guests to premium experience by renting a suite at Columbus Civic Center. Columbus Civic Center has 5,000 square feet of hospitality suites.



Host your next outdoor event at Columbus CivicCenter courtyard. Nestled between the Columbus Ice Rink & Columbus Civic Center this space is perfect for a gathering of 300 people or less.



The Columbus Civic Center is a multipurpose sports and entertainment facility with 10,000 arena seats.

For pricing & Availability Contact:
Assistant Director