YAC Officers

OFFICERS 2018 - 2019

President Elect: Courtney Fortunato
Secretary/Treasurer: Khidhr Kotaria
Parliamentarian: Lili West
Historian: Isabel Packard

12th Grade Caucus Rep: Aidan Anderson
12th Grade Assistant Caucus Rep: Kennedy Perrine
12th Grade Secretary: Mary Do

11th Grade Caucus Rep:  Jonathan Robertson
11th Grade Assistant Caucus Rep:  Amber Diehl
11th Grade Secretary:  Dominique Webb

10th Grade Caucus Rep:  Sonali Patel
10th Grade Assistant Caucus Rep:  Dario Gomez
10th Grade Secretary:  MaKayla Coachman

9th Grade Caucus Rep:  Kyrie Deas
9th Grade Assistant Caucus Rep:  Anthony Coachman Jr.
9th Grade Secretary:  Myanna Hightower

8th Grade Caucus Rep:  Eric Crowling Jr.
8th Grade Assistant Caucus Rep:  Jyrine Stewart
8th Grade Secretary:  Giovanni Jackson

6th/7th Grade Caucus Rep:  Serenity Orozco
6th/7th Grade Assistant Caucus Rep:  Trysten Miller
6th/7th Grade Secretary:  Sasha Bardales



YAC 2018-19 member list, schools represented, and contact information.

calendar of events


2018 YAC Members, schools, and contact information.

member photos


Member photos from trips and events throughout the year.

YAC videos


Landing page for videos taken during the 2018-19 term.