Clerk of Council

Office of the Clerk of Council


The Clerk of Council is the administrative arm of the City Council. The Clerk of Council’s Office is a time honored and vital part of local government that is dedicated to upholding the integrity, accountability and professional standards attributed to being a public official while providing quality services in response to the needs of the citizens of Columbus, Georgia, Mayor and City Councilors, other elected officials and city departments.

A comprehensive index file of ordinances and resolutions adopted by the City Council is processed and maintained by the Clerk. Additionally, the Clerk is responsible for maintaining and updating the code of ordinances and provides subscription services to citizens and various departments of the Consolidated Government.

Furthermore, the office is responsible for verifying deed ownership and acquiring supporting documentation for the recording of ownership transfers for the city's four cemeteries.

The Clerk of Council's Office acts as the support staff for the ten members of Council which thereby includes attending and keeping record of all the City Council Meetings, keeping accurate minutes, to include but not limited to all votes taken by Council, processing ordinances and resolutions adopted by Council, maintaining the archival records of the previous administrations as recorded separately by the city and county records preceding 1971. The Clerk of Council's Office also maintains delicate records that go back as far as 1819 which include; registered & qualified voters, treasurer's record, tax books, court records, cemetery records and the post register of sick and wounded soldiers in the hospital from 1864-1865.

The Clerk of Council's Office is also responsible for maintaining data on City boards, authorities, committees and commissions. Information pertaining to the various boards and the membership are readily available through the Clerk of Council's Office.

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