Urban Forestry & Right-of-Way

Vacant - Division Manager

Point of Contact: Meadows.Darrell@columbusga.org

Tree Planting

Trees are planted in an effort to improve the beauty of our city.

Tree Pruning

Pruning is done to keep trees healthy and reduce damages during storms.

Tree Removal

Trees are removed when it is determined that the tree is damaged to the point that it is a danger to the health and safety of the public or property.

Stump Removal

Stumps are removed after the tree has been removed to restore the continuity of the area. During and after extreme weather, the Forestry Division provides emergency relief services to clear roadways and the public right-of-way of tree debris.

Grass Cutting

Maintain the grass along the right-of-way on city and state roadways

Street Sweeping

Sweep streets through various routes or through work orders.


Spray to keep nuisance vegetation from growing on city and state right-of-ways.

Water Shed

Cut the 10 major water sheds throughout the city once a year.

State Roadways

The inner portion of certain state roads are maintained by a contractor. The other portion is maintained by this division. Most state roadways cannot be cut until the red clover has seeded, this usually takes place in mid-May. Once the clover has went through this process, the state roadways can then be cut.

Natural Disasters

The Urban Forestry and Right-of-Way Division are the first to respond to certain storm events: Tornado, Hurricane, Snow and Ice. This division is responsible for clearing the roadways to ensure normal traffic flow can continue.

Debris in Roadway

The Right-of-Way Division is responsible for removing large debris from the roadways and right-of-ways throughout the city.


We are responsible for litter control, cutting grass from 14th Street to Lake Oliver and removal of debris due to flooding on the Riverwalk.

Tree Planting Resources

Acoma Crape Myrtle

Acoma Crape Myrtle


Plant: Early spring


Weekly for the 1st year if no rain.
Allee Elm

Allee Elm

Ulmus Parvifolia

Plant: Late Winter or early spring


Weekly for the first 3 years if no rain.
Bosque Elm

Bosque Elm

Ulmus Parvifolia

Plant: Late fall, winter, or early spring


Water weekly for the first 3 years if no rain.


Ginkgo Biloba

Plant: Fall


Water weekly for the first 3 years if no rain.
Grancy Grey Beard

Grancy Grey Beard

Chionanthus Virginicus

Plant: Fall


Water weekly for the 1st year if no rain.
Japanese Maple

Japanese Maple

Acer Palmatum

Plant: Fall


Water once or twice weekly for first year if no rain.

Muskogee Crape Myrtle

Muskogee Crape Myrtle


Plant: Late fall or early winter.


Once or twice weekly for first year if no rain.
Nellie Stevens Hollie

Nellie Stevens Hollie

Ilex x Nellie Stevens

Plant: Fall or early Winter


Once weekly for the 1st year if no rain.
Okame Cherry

Okame Cherry

Prunus × incam

Plant: Fall


Weekly for the 1st year if no rain.
Over cup Oak

Over cup Oak

Quercus lyrata

Plant: Late fall or early winter


Once weekly for the 1st year if no rain.
Sara’s Favorite

Sara’s Favorite


Plant: Late fall or early winter


Once weekly for the 1st year if no rain.
Sky Pencil

Sky Pencil

Ilex Crenata

Plant: Late fall or early winter


Once weekly for the 1st year if no rain.
Summer Red Maple

Summer Red Maple

Acer Rubrum

Plant: Fall


Once or twice weekly for first year if no rain.
Trident Maple

Trident Maple

Acer Buergerianum

Plant: Fall


Once weekly for the 1st year if no rain.
Willow Oak

Willow Oak

Quercus Phellos

Plant: Fall


Once weekly for the 1st year if no rain.
Yoshino Cherry

Yoshino Cherry

Prunus × Yedoensis

Plant: Fall


Once weekly for the 1st year if no rain.



The ADOPT-A-SPOT Program is a volunteer program which enables individuals, families, civic clubs, garden clubs, businesses, churches, and other organizations to maintain and beautify the City's Public Right Of Way.

Volunteers perform routine maintenance such as mowing, weeding, litter removal, landscape plantings, painting, and in some cases minor repairs. You may also choose to donate funds to help pay for maintenance.

The maintenance that you will be asked to do depends on the area you choose to adopt. Some areas may need planting and weeding so they do not become overgrown. You may also have your own idea of what you would like to do and we can assist you in making that happen.

The best way to find a property to adopt is to look out your window and see if there is a spot you would like to maintain near your home. If you take regular walks, you may see a place that you go by that is just begging for some attention. If you do not see a location that you like, the Public Works department staff can match your time and talents to a location from their list of properties available for adoption.

In recognition of your efforts, the City will place a sign with your name at the adopted site. A city representative will give an orientation before you start work. Caretakers who do not wish to be recognized may remain anonymous.

To be considered as a participant in the Adopt-a-Spot Program, complete the application and e-mail to: AdoptASpot@columbusga.org, or mail the application to Public Works 602 11th Ave. Columbus, Georgia 31901. Thank you for your interest in the City of Columbus Adopt- a- Spot Program.

Adopt-A-Spot Map (Full Screen)

Apply for an Adopt-A-Spot

Adopt-A-Spot Packet »