Congestion Management Process
A Congestion Management Process (CMP) is a continuous cycle of transportation planning activities designed to provide decision-makers with better information about transportation system performance and the effectiveness of alternative strategies to deal with congestion. A Congestion Management Process may be considered as consisting of four main components:
- Measurement and identification of congestion;
- Matrix of congestion mitigation strategies;
- Monitoring of effectiveness after implementation;
- An orderly evaluation process.
The Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient, Transportation Act a Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) requires that congestion relief be considered in the selection of transportation improvement projects, and that all urbanized areas with populations in excess of 200,000 (termed Transportation Management Areas [TMAs]) develop and implement a Congestion Management Process.
Study Tasks
The study is broken down into four tasks, as follows:
- Identify New Congested Corridors.
- Define Congestion Mitigation Strategies.
Development of Congestion Related Performance
Measures Data Collection and Monitoring.
- Summary of Findings and Recommendations.