Office of the Mayor

Mayor's Commission on Reentry


Our mission is to serve as a collaborative network of stakeholders and community organizations that connect individuals that are impacted by the correctional system with the resources needed to be successful upon reentry to the community. Collaborative partners include law enforcement agencies, corrections and supervision entities, resource agencies, social service and non-profit organizations, community members, and other private and public stakeholders.

For more information on the Reentry Commission and to find related resources visit us on Facebook - @ColumbusReentryCommission.

You can also visit for resources - 211 is a service of United Way of the Chattahoochee Valley to connect individuals with local resources. Search online, “text your zip code to 898211 for resources or dial 211 M-F, 7am-8pm for assistance from a specialist.“


The purpose of the Mayor's Commission on Reentry is to coordinate local efforts to support adults exiting local and state incarceration facilities in Columbus and statewide that will be released to a Muscogee County residency. The Commission will provide the Mayor, City Council, the public, and any other appropriate agency with accurate and comprehensive information about this population in respect to service programs, barriers that contribute to their return to a life a crime (i.e. lack of employment opportunities, housing, access to education and healthcare, etc.), and best practices for meeting their needs. The Commission shall also publicly recognize programs that excel in service to this population. In addition, the Commission will coordinate information sharing, planning, and engagement among all interested private and public stakeholders to the extent permissible under Federal and State law.

Meetings are held every third or fourth Monday of the month at 1:00 pm at United Way of the Chattahoochee Valley. Virtual attendance is available upon request. All meetings are open to the public. Please send us a message on Facebook to get access to join with the virtual option.

Member Organizations

  • BETTER WORK Columbus
  • Home for Good
  • VoteRiders
  • Muscogee County Sheriff’s Department
  • NewLife-Second Chance Outreach, Inc.
  • Georgia Department of Corrections
  • Urban League of the River Valley
  • Cure Violence
  • Dept of Community Supervision
  • Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities (DBHDD)
  • SafeHouse Ministries


  • Housing – Primary contact Pat Frey (Home for Good)
  • Employment – Primary contact Katherine Andrews (Briggs and Associates)
  • Coordinated Reentry Resources – Primary contact Kristin Barker (BETTER WORK Columbus)


  • Mayor Skip Henderson
  • Councilor Travis Chambers

2024-2026 Commission Goals: Focused on Education and Resource Connection

  1. Fully implement the Reentry assessment process and referral system in partnership with the Georgia Department of Corrections and the Muscogee County Jail
  2. Educate organizations/programs on process gaps and solutions for better serving the reentry community
  3. Educate businesses on Fair Chance Hiring and its impact on workforce solutions and the economy in Columbus


Reentry Coordinated Assessment and Referral System
The Reentry Commission is developing a system through partnership with like-minded organizations that will allow individuals returning from incarceration to connect with resources needed for transition earlier and easier. This process will allow connections to begin prior to release and will follow these individuals along their transitional journey.

SAMHSA'S Gains Sequential Intercept Model Mapping Workshop
This workshop will be held on April 29-30, 2025. The purpose of the workshop is to create a map that shows how people experiencing addiction and behavioral health needs connect with and flow through the criminal justice system using the framework of the Sequential Intercept Model. This will help organizations in the Chattahoochee Valley establish effective priorities for change & optimize strategies to support this population.

FREE THE FUTURE/Fair Chance Hiring
This project is designed to educate Chattahoochee Valley employers about reentry, the barriers that formerly incarcerated individuals face for gainful employment, and the opportunities that will emerge if we change our thought pattern to see that everyone deserves a second chance.