Severe Thunderstorms
Severe Thunderstorm WATCH
If a Severe Thunderstorm WATCH is issued, that means conditions are favorable for the severe storms in the area.
- Go indoors
- Have a plan and know where you will seek shelter should a tornado warning or high winds follow.
Severe Thunderstorm WARNING
If a Severe Thunderstorm WARNING is issued, the National Weather Service has identified severe weather, likely with high winds and other hazards that are dangerous.
- Go indoors
- Be ready to seek shelter on the lowest floor/interior portions of the building.
Tornado WATCH
If a Tornado WATCH is issued, that means conditions are favorable for the formation of tornadoes.
- Have a plan and know where you will seek shelter should a WARNING be issued.
- If you are in a structure that you believe is not sufficient to serve as a place to seek shelter, consider moving to a safer place until the severe weather threat is no longer present.
If a Tornado WARNING is issued, that means a tornado has been seen on radar, by a first responder, or other storm spotter.
- Seek shelter immediately!
- Once indoors, if a shelter area is not designated, move to the lowest floor and interior portion of the building.
- DO NOT go outdoors to look at or video the tornado.
- Stay away from windows and doors to help prevent injury from glass and other flying objects.
- If you believe damage to the building is imminent, cover you head with any heavy/bulky object to protect yourself.
- VEHICLE: If you are in a vehicle and the wind is getting bad, seek shelter in a building, ditch, or other safe place. Automobiles and underpasses are very dangerous during high winds.
You may receive a TORNADO WARNING by several different methods, including:
- Outdoor Warning Sirens
- NOAA weather radios
- Cell phone apps
- Text, voice, email, etc.
Lightning is the number one cause of death in severe weather incidents.
- Go indoors or seek shelter.
- Stay away from telephones, electrical appliances, and plumbing.
- If you can hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning.
- If outdoors, a vehicle can be used to shelter form lightning but may not be adequate during a severe thunderstorm warning or tornado warning.
Turn around, Don’t drown – Do not try to walk or drive through flood waters.
- Even small amount of running water can knock you off of your feet or float a vehicle.
- Report flooded areas to 311 or 911 if there is an injury or threat of injury.